Introduction:- Hobby means ons's favourite occupation ,but not one's main business.A man does not depend on it for his living but it is not less importante than his main business.It is an interesting way to enjoy our leisure period.

Different kinds of hobby :- There are different kinds of hobbies such as gardening,stamp collecting, angling, photography ,travelling and reading .All the great persons of the world had some kinds of hobby.

My favourite hobby :- I am a student , I have a hobby too. My favourite hobby is gardening.

Why I like it:- This hobby refreshes my body and mind and I can give more attention to my studies.It is helpful to my health .Physical loboure and fresh air of the garden are very helpful for the body and mind .

My activies:- ihave a gardeninfront of my reading room .I work in my garden in the morning .I make the soil loose with a spade and weed out the grass.I water the plants regularly .I have planted various kinds of flowers in my garden sometimes my younger bother helps me in my work .There are rose chameli,gandharaj and Bakul plants in my garden .The rose in the most favourite of them.I have put a fence around my garden .So cattle and naughty boys cannot do any harm to my garden .I feel a great joy to see the flowers in full bloom .Yhe flowers are like my friends.

Usefulness:- I get many benefits from my garden .Gardening is a good exercise .I was a sickly boy vegetables like cauliflowers and tomato. My mother prepares delicious food with them.
my joys know no bounds ,when I present flowers to my friends.After one hour's work I sit to read with a fresh mind .Then I can give more attention to my studies.At night sweet fragnance of the flowers comes to my reading room .It brings about a change in my mind .

conclusion ;- My hobby is a source of good health and pleasure to me .It supplies me extra energy in performing my main task.

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