A vlage market

Introduction: A village market is a place where the villagers meet to buy'and sell things. It is a buying
and selling centre for the villagers. Generally it sits every morning. Besides, bíg markets sit once or twice
a week.

 Kinds of village market: There are two kinds of village markets. They are daily market and weekty
market. Daily market is called bazar. It sits daily in the morning, Weekly market is called 'hat. It sits
once or twice a week in the evening.

Description: A village market has three parts like open space, temporary shed and permane shed. In
the open space the seilers sit in rows. Fish, milk, fruits, betel leaves, vegetable etc. are sold here. In the
temporary sheds oil, rice, salt, pepper etc. are sold. Some grocers, tailors, doctors, pottereds etc. sit in the permanent shed.

Usefulness :The village market is very useful to the villagers. Here they get all things of daily use. It
sàves the villagers from going to distant places to buy things. t is the meeting place of the villagers. The
villagers find a social and friendly life here.

Disadvantages: A village market has some disadvantages too. It is a noisy and unhealthy place. The pickpockets gather there.

Conclusion:The village market does great service to the rural people. It is the backbone  of the
rural economy.

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